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The History of Home Church

Home Church is the new name for Watton Pentecostal Church.


Watton Pentecostal Church started 1st January 2000. A new church for a new millennium.


There were two Assemblies of God churches in Watton, They worked together and the two leaderships were friends. Late 1999 Chris the Pastor of Watton AOG suggested that the two churches join together.After several meetings it was agreed that the two churches would become one. As the leaders prayed for God's guidance, someone prophesied about two stream joining together and becoming one river but that the river was greater than the whole of the two streams.


In 2014 the church determined to leave the Fellowship of Assemblies of God, thanking them for their care and support over the years.


To further strengthen the development of church in 2015 it changed its charitable status and became a Chritable Incorporated Oganisation following the Foundation Model.


Since then, the church has become part of the Ground Level Network and in 2022, James Wright and Elaine Best were appointed pastors.The church is moving forward into the new thing God is doing in this place and is continuing to move into new things as God opens the doors and calls. 





Isaiah 43:19 NIV says See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.

Home Church Watton

07585793670 - James

07976890154 - Elaine


Dereham Rd, Watton,


IP25 6ER

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